Friday 16 June 2023

what is MPPT in solar inverter ?

MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) is a crucial feature in solar inverters used to optimize the power output from solar panels. It ensures that the solar panels operate at their maximum power point (MPP) despite changes in sunlight intensity or temperature.

Solar panels have a characteristic called the I-V curve, which represents the relationship between the panel's current (I) and voltage (V) output. The MPP is the point on this curve where the panel produces the maximum power output for a given set of conditions.

The MPPT function in a solar inverter continuously monitors the solar panel's voltage and current and adjusts the operating point to track the MPP. It achieves this by varying the inverter's input voltage and current to extract the maximum power from the panels. This is done by employing a DC-DC converter within the inverter.

The MPPT algorithm typically operates in the following steps:

Measurement: The inverter measures the solar panel's voltage and current at regular intervals.

Power Calculation: The inverter calculates the instantaneous power output of the solar panels by multiplying the measured voltage and current values.

Power Comparison: The calculated power is compared with the previously measured power to determine the direction in which the MPP is moving.

Perturbation: Based on the power comparison, the inverter adjusts the input voltage and current slightly to track the MPP. It may increase or decrease the operating point to find the maximum power.

Iteration: Steps 1-4 are repeated continuously to track the MPP in real-time, as the conditions affecting the solar panels change.

The MPPT algorithm dynamically adapts to variations in temperature, shading, and other factors affecting solar panel performance. By continuously adjusting the operating point to match the MPP, the MPPT ensures that the solar panels produce the maximum power output, resulting in increased overall energy harvest from the system.

Overall, the MPPT function in a solar inverter optimizes the power generation of solar panels by dynamically tracking and adjusting the operating point to the maximum power point, maximizing the efficiency and output of the solar power system.

Thursday 15 June 2023

How earning is possible from Quora ?

Earning money directly from Quora is not a typical feature of the platform. Quora is primarily a question-and-answer website that focuses on knowledge sharing and community engagement. However, there are some indirect ways in which individuals can leverage Quora to potentially generate income or benefit professionally:

Building expertise and reputation: By actively participating on Quora and providing valuable answers to questions within your area of expertise, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable authority in your field. This can enhance your professional reputation, potentially leading to career opportunities, consulting gigs, speaking engagements, or other avenues where your expertise is valued.

Driving traffic to a website or blog: Quora allows users to include links in their answers, provided they are relevant and add value to the discussion. If you have a website or blog where you generate income through advertisements, affiliate marketing, or product sales, you can strategically include links in your Quora answers to drive traffic to your platform and potentially increase your earnings.

Content creation and freelance writing: Quora can serve as a source of inspiration for content creation. Popular or highly viewed answers on Quora can be repurposed and expanded into blog posts, articles, or even books. As a writer or content creator, you can monetize your content through various channels like freelance writing, guest posting, or self-publishing.

Quora Partner Program: Quora introduced a program called the Quora Partner Program (QPP), which allows eligible users to earn income based on the advertising revenue generated by their content. This program is currently limited to users in the United States, and participation is by invitation only. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you may be invited to join the program and earn a share of the advertising revenue generated by your content.

It's important to note that earning money from Quora, directly or indirectly, requires consistent effort, valuable contributions, and building a reputable presence on the platform. Quora should be seen as a means to showcase your expertise and engage with a community rather than a guaranteed source of income.


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